Bear Creek's Mission

We at Bear Creek are a thriving, inviting, inclusive community

striving to reach out to the world with the compassion

and unconditional love of Jesus.

how we are being intentional about our mission


Growth happens, but not all growth is good. That's why it's important to be intentional about the ways in which you are growing. When you want to shape your physical health, you focus on muscles and endurance. When you want to shape your spiritual and emotional health, you focus on "toning" through spiritual exercises, worship, learning, service, and building community. We learn to be spiritually resilient through becoming more aware of God's presence and activity in our lives. At Bear Creek, we are being intentional about becoming expansive in our love, trust, and fellowship. 


Loving our neighbors doesn't stop at the walls of the building, though. We intentionally partner with local and international organizations which are working to bring justice to those who are economically, socially, or geographically disadvantaged. We have a special heart for people living in food and housing insecurity, and for those who are oppressed. We live out our care through hands-on activities to shower love and support on those needing a helping hand, as we seek to learn about and from each person because each person is valued and valuable. 


At Bear Creek, we believe we start loving our neighbors with those who are right here inside the walls of the church. That means, each and every person who walks in the doors is treated like the precious child of God that they are, regardless of economic situation, race, gender identity, family makeup, or relationship status. Many churches focus on who doesn't belong - we focus on who does. And our answer is ALL OF US.


In community, we encourage each other to go deeper, become stronger, and open our hearts and minds to the new and unfamiliar. Plus, it's just more fun to grow side-by-side with others who love us and whom we love. 

Community enriches everything we do - from our corporate worship, to learning, to service, to eating a meal together (which we LOOOOOVE to do!).