BCUMC Celebrates historic move by denomination to fully affirm lgbtq siblings

On May 1, 2024, the United Methodist Church's General Conference (a collection of laypersons from across the UMC's population churches) voted to remove harmful language that has limited the participation and expression of LGBTQI+ persons within the church. This vote passed with an overwhelming 93% of those in attendance voting YES. This provides expanded opportunity for LGBTQI+ clergy to be ordained and for LGBTQI+ marriages to be celebrated within the church. BCUMC is celebrating that the rest of the denomination is joining us in full-voiced affirmation that all persons are made in the image of God. 

In Revised Social Principles 164 and 165, the conference also voted to

exhort the Council of Bishops to be inclusive in regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, and tribe, ethnicity, native language, country of origin, economic disadvantage, gender, disability, and citizenship status. 

To read more about this historic change, see this article by UMNews

We recognize and grieve the ways in which our siblings have been denied participation in the sacredness of calling/ordination and marriage through words and deed, and we are continuing the work toward reconciliation and inclusion. Our hearts are broken wide, but celebrating the step that has been taken through this General Conference.

listen to Bishop Karen Oliveto preach

at General Conference

  • We are committed to racial and sexual reconciliation.
  • All persons, regardless of race, gender identity, or sexual orientation are welcome to participate fully in the life of the church.

In 2024, once again marched in the Snohomish Pride Parade, sponsored both Woodinville Pride and Redmond Pride, and had a booth at Seattle PrideFest to show solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ siblings.

At Bear Creek, we believe we start loving our neighbors with those who are right here inside the walls of the church. That means, each and every person who walks in the doors is treated like the precious child of God that they are, regardless of economic situation, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or relationship status. Many churches focus on who doesn't belong - we focus on who does. And love extends beyond the walls of our building through the work we do partnering in the community to support refugees, those who are displaced, and those who experience oppression.