The beloved poem speaks to us, promising that during the times of trial, when there are only one set of footprints in the sand, Jesus is carrying us. As a Stephen Minister, walking with a person who is hurt or sad or ill, there might be three sets of footprints in the sand. One set for the one who needs to be held in love, one for the Stephen Minister walking beside them, and the footprints of Jesus walking beside both. When things are overwhelming, when you don't know hot to pray or to listen to to ask for help, a Stephen Minister can and will walk beside you, listening, caring, praying. Sharing a cup of coffee or tea, Having a tissue and a shoulder available. Our current lives are being shaken, safety concerns, jobs eliminated, food scarcity, and prices increasing. This is not a time to be alone, to walk in the sand, and not see the footprints beside you. Please, if you need to, reach out to the Stephen Ministry. Contact Pastor Brook or Susan Jackson (you may fill out the form below). And know that you are not alone. 

Stephen Ministers are...

• A child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting

• A Christian with gifts for caregiving who was carefully selected to serve in this role
• A layperson who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care.
• A caring, Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages
• Someone who will “be there” for his or her care receiver, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week, 

for as long as there’s a need

Stephen Ministries

Do you feel alone as you are navigating difficult waters? Reach out to a Stephen Minister for support. 

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Our Stephen Ministers undergo specialized training and are required to complete a full background check and Sexual Abuse Awareness Training.