Bear Creek staff and Leadership

The staff and leadership here at Bear Creek is comprised of people of all ages and walks of life who are committed to loving you, caring for all, and praying for every single person in our community. We are here to serve you! If you have any questions for any of our staff or leadership, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them. You can contact the church office at 425-788-2953 or at

  • Pastor Brook McBride

    Lead Pastor

    Connect with Pastor Brook

    Hi, I'm Brook. I love being the lead pastor here at Bear Creek and I'm passionate about getting you involved in this warm, welcoming, and inclusive community. My passion is to help folks say "yes" to a God who has said "yes" to you at your first breath of life!  And to invite you to join me and our Bear Creek family and friends reach out to folks and places that are hurting in our world. Here at Bear Creek we strive to a part of God's "light in the darkness." Part of that "light" is trying to have some fun together!  No matter what we are doing, we try to do it in a way that we lift spirits! I can't wait to get to know you and get you connected to all the great people here! You are going to feel better about YOU when you get involved at Bear Creek!Thanks for dropping by!  Facebook F     Twitter    Envelope

  • bathsheba Marcus

    Director of Music

    Connect with Bathsheba

    We first met Bathsheba Marcus when she called to request the use of our building for a recital for her burgeoning piano studio - and we have grown to appreciate not only her great talent and skill with music, but her dedication and humble desire to learn new things. We are thrilled to announce that she has accepted the position of Director of Music here at BCUMC! She loves that we at Bear Creek are so invested in music and has some fantastic ideas to connect with the congregation. She will work part time with us, in addition to keeping her 45-student studio going and being a sports mom to busy kids.

    Bathsheba grew up in New York and began taking first violin and then piano lessons from the age of 6. She went to LaGuardia High School of Music and Performing Arts in NYC (of "Fame" fame), has a BA in Music History from NYU, and master's and doctorate (DMA) degrees in classical piano performance from SUNY Stony Brook. In addition, she has worked for the National Basketball Association (yes, she's a sports fan!) and Bloomingdale School of Music. Bathsheba is married with three children and a cat named Ozzie. 

    When she has spare time, Bathsheba likes to read, bake, and says her guilty pleasure is reality TV (except The Bachelor - not much of a fan). Although she is classically trained, she enjoys almost all forms of music.

    She will step in and use her talent for music and teaching to direct the choir, guide the praise band, and help Pastor Brook plan worship. She will work 15 hours each week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays (for rehearsals), Thursdays, and (of course) Sundays (though summer will be variable).

  • Estefania sensebe

    Children & Family Ministries Coordinator

    Connect with Estefania

    Estefania is excited to be working with our kiddos on Sunday mornings and guide the planning of some of our special events like VBS, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Pageant, and the Easter Egg Hunt! Estefania has loads of experience with kids - she currently teaches swim lessons and has worked in classrooms with her aunt. She has a degree in Marketing and Communications from university in her home country, Peru, and worked in Advertising there before moving to the US 3 years ago. If you want to get onto the text list to receive information about upcoming events for children and families, text "kids" to (425) 364-6545 (note this is a SMS-only number).

  • Mona Chicks

    Office Manager

    Connect with Mona

    Greetings! Welcome to Bear Creek! If you're looking for a way to plug in or just need some information, I'm a great place to start! I'm here to help things run smoothly and to keep Pastor Brook in line. I love coffee, chocolate, reading, and cats (not necessarily in that order), and like to be outside and active. I've been working in churches for years, and the flow of the seasons is very familiar. I'm married and have an adult son (and three cats). 

We're so blessed to have a community of givers!


Many from our church family help throughout the week, show up to serve others, and lend a hand for special events.  These are just a few of the friendly faces of our congregation doing what they love...

  • Walking in the Seattle Pride Parade

    From supporting our neighbors to standing up for others' rights to making neck coolers on a hot day, this is an important part of our history and dedication to our community.

  • Trunk or Treat

    Each year we open our parking lot up to the community to provide a fun & free Halloween event.  Our church members love to dress up, pass out candy, decorate their cars, and provide fun games for the kids to explore.

  • Vacation Bible School

    We have dozens of volunteers jump in and help when VBS happens each summer!  Fun craft stations, feeding kids, playing games outside, singing along with kids...It all takes energy, a love for children, and a heart that wants to teach our young ones about the beauty of God.