our mission work in the community and world

Here at Bear Creek UMC we are always looking for new ways to reach out and share God's love with our neighbors and beyond. Our goal is to be the hands and feet of the God we have come to know in Jesus Christ. Here at Bear Creek we always have something going on where we are reaching out in mercy, love, and justice. Whether it's collecting non-perishable food items and diapers for the area food pantries, reaching out to families from Afghanistan who have recently immigrated to the US, or doing ministry abroad, we are hard at it doing the work of Christ in the world. If you would like to get involved in this ministry or have questions please contact our God's Hands chair: Karen Smith.    

Immigrants and Refugees


By Rev. John O. Eby

In this day and age when immigrants and refugees are so much in the news we who feel Jesus' Word and example are the way, the truth, and the life need to be looking AT His Word and example to see 'what would Jesus do?

  • Leviticus 19:33-34 tells us to treat the 'alien' or 'stranger' as a citizen, to love them, and not oppress him or her
  • Leviticus 24:22 commands us to apply one law to both
  • Numbers 9:14 tells us that both natural born and alien shall have the  same statutes applicable to them
  • Numbers 15:14-16 says that both are the same before the Lord and should have the same freedom to worship
  • Numbers 15:29-30 says both are subject to the same punishment
  • Many verses affirm that both native born and alien shall be entitled to equal justice. See Deuteronomy 1:16, 24:17, 27:19
  • Deuteronomy 24:24 says both shall receive the same wages
  • One of the sins of Israel that was universally condemned by the prophets was 'oppression of the alien'. Jeremiah' prophecy is reflected in 7:5-7, and 22:3. Ezekiel in 22:29-3. Zechariah reflects the same in 7:8-10. So does Malachi in 3:5
  • Ezekiel 47:21-23 even instructs the people to allow foreigners to inherit the land
  • The Old Testament even instructs the Israelites to support the 'alien' or 'stranger' or 'foreigner' by giving them the right to 'glean' in Leviticus 19:9-10, and 23:22. Deuteronomy goes even further and commands that the tithe every third year shall partially given to support the alien
  • Jesus treated the Samaritans as equals and used Samaritans as examples various times. See John 4, Luke 10:25-37, Luke 17:11-19. Jesus received Greeks in John 12:20-26
  • The gospel was given to all the world (Acts 1:8). Jews and Greeks are seen as 'not different' to God in Galatians 3:28. Jews and Greeks are part of 'one body' in I Corinthians 12:13. Jesus was sent first to the continent of Asia, but God deliberately sent Philip to open the gospel to Africa (Acts 8) and Peter to open the gospel to Europe (Acts 10)

While we may feel led by the Holy Spirit to apply these verses in different ways, we must, as followers of Christ, START with His Word and His attitudes and must seek His will in the way we apply these to our current situations even though they may not fit with our more comfortable political and social and even historical presuppositions.

We believe that God uses us right here where we are to be God's hands and feet to our neighbors. 

Take a peek at some of what we've done recently for our neighbors near and far. 

  • Asylee Support at Riverton Park UMC

    We gather items and funds to support the asylees who are living in tents at Riverton Park UMC. 

  • Lake Washington UMC Safe Parking program

    About 2-3 times per year we take meals to the families living in their cars at Lake Washington United Methodist Church. 

  • Help Syria and Turkey recover from earthquake

    We collected a special offering, raising $828, to send to families who were trying to recover from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. 

  • Thanksgiving Blessing Bags

    In 2023, we delivered 68 Thanksgiving grocery bags and gave gift cards to 22 additional families through Friends of Youth. 

  • Plant a Seed for FoodBank Farm

    Each spring, we plant seeds for FoodBank Farm. This enables the farm to offer fresh veggies and fruit to food banks throughout the community. 

  • Picking Pumpkins (and Corn) for FoodBank Farm

    Each fall, we get to see what our seeds have done, picking veggies and fruit at FoodBank Farm. 

  • hygiene kits for UMCOR Global missions

  • Pride Month Celebrations

  • Mother's Day Baskets for Single Moms

  • $1140 raised for a student scholarship to send a student to her dream school!

  • Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive

  • gathering kitchen items for riverton park free thrift store

  • habitat for humanity interfaith build